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Article summary:

1. In integrative negotiations, joint fact-finding is a common way to settle disputes when parties disagree on key facts and lack technical expertise.

2. Joint fact-finding is a multistep collaborative process where parties work together to gather, analyze, and interpret information with the help of advisers.

3. Joint fact-finding can lead to more credible, creative, harmonious, and lasting agreements than traditional adversary science processes but may not be suitable if there is a power imbalance between the parties.

Article analysis:

The article "Integrative Negotiations: Dispute Resolution Through Joint Fact-Finding" discusses the use of joint fact-finding in integrative negotiations to settle disputes. The article provides an example of a dispute between a developer and village residents over the construction of a high-rise condominium building. The article explains that joint fact-finding is a collaborative process for bringing together parties in technical disputes who lack the expertise needed to come to a consensus.

The article provides a multistep process for joint fact-finding, including setting ground rules and establishing an agenda, finding and selecting advisers, and presenting analyses and courses of action. The article argues that joint fact-finding educates parties about the science behind the issues at stake, spurring agreements that are more credible, creative, harmonious, and lasting than those developed using traditional adversary science processes.

However, the article does not explore potential biases or sources of bias in joint fact-finding. For example, it does not consider how advisers might be selected or whether they might have conflicts of interest. Additionally, the article does not address how power imbalances might affect the effectiveness of joint fact-finding or how parties might use it as leverage.

Furthermore, the article presents only one side of the argument for using joint fact-finding in integrative negotiations. It does not explore potential counterarguments or drawbacks to this approach. For instance, it does not consider situations where parties may be unable to agree on ground rules or agendas for joint fact-finding.

Overall, while the article provides useful information on joint fact-finding in integrative negotiations, it could benefit from exploring potential biases and counterarguments to this approach.