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Principios Ordenadores Arquitectónicos
Source: disfrutarch.wixsite.com
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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the six ordering principles used in architectural composition according to Francis D.K. Ching's book "Architecture: Form, Space, and Order."

2. The six principles are axis, symmetry, hierarchy, rhythm/repetition, pattern, and transformation.

3. The article provides examples of each principle using the Chrysler Building in New York City as a reference point.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Principios Ordenadores Arquitectónicos" discusses the six organizing principles used in architectural composition according to Francis D. K. Ching's book "Arquitectura: Forma, Espacio y Orden." The author explains that these principles are essential for maintaining coherence and avoiding arbitrary decisions when designing and composing buildings.

The article provides a clear definition of each principle and uses examples from the Chrysler Building in New York City to illustrate them. However, the author acknowledges that the examples are limited to views from above and emphasizes the importance of considering all perspectives when applying these principles.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on Ching's principles without exploring alternative approaches or critiques of his work. While it is understandable that the author may have learned these principles early on in their studies, it would have been beneficial to provide a more comprehensive overview of different approaches to architectural composition.

Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported or lack evidence. For example, when discussing the principle of hierarchy, the author states that it refers to an element that "resets from among the rest," but does not provide any further explanation or evidence for this claim.

Furthermore, while the article provides a useful introduction to Ching's principles, it could benefit from exploring counterarguments or limitations to these principles. For instance, some architects may argue that strict adherence to organizing principles can stifle creativity and lead to formulaic designs.

Overall, while "Principios Ordenadores Arquitectónicos" provides a helpful overview of Ching's organizing principles for architectural composition, it could benefit from a more balanced approach that explores alternative perspectives and acknowledges potential limitations or critiques of these principles.