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Article summary:

1. Peregrine is a generative text to speech model that can generate ultra-realistic voices and imitate human speech.

2. Voice cloning can be done with less than 30 seconds of recorded audio from a single speaker without the need of transcripts, bringing multi-speaker, multi-style capability to another level.

3. Peregrine has the ability to compress 100s of thousands of voices in a few GBs of knowledge and generate an infinite number of voice variations, emotions, and styles.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of Peregrine, a generative text to speech model that is designed to generate ultra-realistic voices and imitate human speech vividly. The article claims that voice cloning can be done with less than 30 seconds of recorded audio from a single speaker without the need for transcripts, which would bring multi-speaker, multi-style capability to another level. It also states that Peregrine has the ability to compress 100s of thousands of voices in a few GBs of knowledge and generate an infinite number of voice variations, emotions, and styles.

The article does not provide any evidence or sources for its claims about the capabilities or performance of Peregrine. Furthermore, it does not explore any potential risks associated with using such technology or discuss any counterarguments against its use. Additionally, there is no mention of how this technology could potentially be misused or abused by malicious actors. The article also appears to be promotional in nature as it does not present both sides equally or explore any potential drawbacks associated with using such technology. As such, it is difficult to assess the trustworthiness and reliability of this article without further evidence or sources being provided for its claims.