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Article summary:

1. Engaging an audience is essential for arts organisations, and it requires a deeper connection or relationship with the audience first.

2. The Australia Council has enlisted international expertise, such as Lisa Baxter from The Experience Business, to help regional and remote organisations develop plans to increase their audience reach.

3. Key points from participant feedback reports include shifting thinking to focus on the value of the program to the audience and practicing empathy by considering the audience's needs, values, and desired experiences.

Article analysis:

The article "Connecting with your audience - Creative Australia" discusses the importance of audience engagement for arts organisations, particularly in regional and remote areas. It highlights the work of Lisa Baxter, Director of The Experience Business, who is working with four regional Australian venues to develop plans to increase their audience reach as part of the Audience Engagement Program.

One potential bias in the article is the focus on the positive outcomes of the Audience Engagement Program without addressing any potential challenges or limitations. While participant feedback reports are mentioned, there is no mention of any negative feedback or areas for improvement. This one-sided reporting could give readers a skewed perspective on the effectiveness of the program.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims in the article, such as stating that engaging an audience is essential for arts organisations without providing evidence to support this assertion. While it may seem like common sense, it would be beneficial to include data or research to back up this claim.

The article also lacks consideration of potential risks associated with audience engagement strategies. For example, there could be financial implications for arts organisations if they invest resources into audience engagement initiatives that do not yield results. Addressing these risks would provide a more balanced view of the topic.

Furthermore, there is a promotional tone throughout the article, particularly in highlighting Lisa Baxter's expertise and showcasing the work being done through the Audience Engagement Program. While it is important to celebrate successes and share best practices, it is also crucial to present a balanced view that acknowledges both successes and challenges.

Overall, while the article provides valuable insights into audience engagement strategies for arts organisations in regional and remote areas, it could benefit from addressing potential biases, providing more evidence for claims made, exploring counterarguments, and presenting a more balanced perspective on the topic.