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Source: midjourney.com
Appears moderately imbalanced

Article summary:

1. Midjourney is an independent research lab focused on exploring and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.

2. The team consists of 11 full-time staff members and a set of impressive advisors, including individuals from Apple, GitHub, and Second Life.

3. Midjourney's areas of focus include design, human infrastructure, and AI, with a strong emphasis on research and engineering.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Midjourney" provides an overview of an independent research lab that explores new mediums of thought and expands the imaginative powers of the human species. The lab is focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI, and has 11 full-time staff members and a set of advisors.

While the article provides some information about the lab's executives and advisors, it lacks detail about their backgrounds and expertise. For example, it mentions that David Holz was a founder of Leap Motion and a researcher at NASA and Max Planck, but it does not explain how these experiences relate to his work at Midjourney. Similarly, while the article lists several advisors, it does not provide any information about their specific roles or contributions to the lab.

The article also includes a list of Discord moderators and guides, which seems unnecessary for an overview of a research lab. This inclusion may suggest that the article is more promotional than informative.

Additionally, the article lacks evidence for its claims about expanding the imaginative powers of the human species. While this is certainly an ambitious goal, there is no explanation of how Midjourney plans to achieve it or what evidence supports this claim.

Overall, while the article provides some basic information about Midjourney, it lacks detail and evidence for its claims. It may be more promotional than informative, which could suggest potential biases in favor of Midjourney's work.