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Article summary:

1. 电机驱动的电机制动器(EMB)是未来车辆制动系统的趋势,可以提高制动性能。

2. 多目标优化设计EMB参数可以进一步提高车辆制动性能,包括减少最大制动压力响应时间、缩短停车距离、增加平均全开发减速度和减少车身横向位移等。

3. 优化设计EMB参数需要考虑相关标准和规定,并建立数学模型进行仿真分析。

Article analysis:

As an article published in a peer-reviewed journal, "Braking performance oriented multi-objective optimal design of electro-mechanical brake parameters" presents a comprehensive study on the optimization of electro-mechanical brakes (EMBs) for improved vehicle braking performance. However, the article lacks critical analysis and discussion on potential biases and limitations in the study.

One potential bias is that the study focuses solely on improving braking performance without considering other factors such as cost-effectiveness, durability, and environmental impact. The authors also do not provide sufficient evidence to support their claims of improved braking performance through EMB optimization.

Moreover, the article does not explore potential risks or drawbacks associated with EMBs, such as increased complexity and maintenance requirements. The authors also do not address potential challenges in implementing EMBs in existing vehicles or infrastructure.

The article also lacks consideration of alternative approaches to improving braking performance, such as regenerative braking systems or advanced driver assistance systems. The authors do not provide a comprehensive comparison of these approaches to EMB optimization.

Overall, while "Braking performance oriented multi-objective optimal design of electro-mechanical brake parameters" presents valuable insights into EMB optimization for improved vehicle safety, it would benefit from more critical analysis and discussion on potential biases and limitations in the study.