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Article summary:

1. Collaboration is a common feature in scientific research and can take many forms.

2. Collaboration has both scientific and extra-scientific advantages, such as increased productivity, visibility of results, and access to funding and data.

3. Co-authorship in publications is widely considered as a reliable proxy for scientific collaboration, but the effect of co-authorship on the citational impact of individual articles varies across domains.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the effects of scholar collaboration on impact and quality of academic papers. The article is well written and provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, including its advantages and disadvantages. The article also cites relevant literature to support its claims. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally; it only presents one side of the argument in favor of collaboration. Additionally, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with collaboration or how it could potentially lead to lower quality papers if not managed properly. Furthermore, while the article does cite relevant literature to support its claims, it does not provide any evidence for its own claims or discuss any unexplored points of consideration that could further inform readers about this topic. In conclusion, while this article provides a good overview of scholar collaboration on impact and quality of academic papers, it should be read with caution due to potential biases and lack of evidence for its own claims.