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Article summary:

1. Micro/nano-plastics (MNPs) have multiple toxic effects on mouse/rat models: The article discusses the toxic effects of MNPs on mouse and rat models, which are commonly used in environmental toxicology and medical health research. The study found that MNPs significantly affected 52.78% of the 1,762 biological endpoints examined.

2. Factors influencing the toxic effects of MNPs: The article highlights several factors that can influence the toxic effects of MNPs, including their size, polymer type, concentration, exposure time, and the sex of the mouse/rat models. These factors can affect various physiological categories such as the nervous system, growth, reproduction, digestive tract histopathology, and inflammatory cytokine levels.

3. Negative impacts on blood glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and reproductive function: The study found that MNPs negatively affected blood glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and reproductive function in mice. It also noted that male mice were more sensitive to the toxic effects of MNPs on reproductive function. These findings provide insights into potential health risks associated with MNP exposure in humans and highlight the need for further research on molecular-level pathological mechanisms and long-term tissue accumulation effects.

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