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Article summary:

1. Deciding whether to learn C1 or C2 for a driver's license depends on the individual's needs.

2. C1 allows for manual transmission, but most cars are now automatic and electric vehicles are becoming more popular.

3. Learning C2 is cheaper in terms of time and money, as it is easier to pass and there is no need to wait in line at driving schools.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the differences between learning C1 and C2 for a driver’s license, with the conclusion that if one does not have any special needs, such as preparing to drive a truck for deliveries, then learning C2 is sufficient. The article makes several claims about the advantages of learning C2 over C1, including that manual transmission cars are becoming rarer and that it is cheaper in terms of time and money.

The trustworthiness of this article can be questioned due to its lack of evidence for some of its claims. For example, while it states that manual transmission cars are becoming rarer, it does not provide any evidence or statistics to back up this claim. Additionally, while it states that learning C2 is cheaper in terms of time and money than learning C1, it does not provide any evidence or calculations to support this claim either. Furthermore, the article fails to consider counterarguments or potential risks associated with learning either option; instead it simply presents its own opinion without exploring other perspectives or possible drawbacks.

In conclusion, while the article provides an overview of the differences between learning C1 and C2 for a driver’s license, its trustworthiness can be questioned due to its lack of evidence for some claims made and failure to consider counterarguments or potential risks associated with each option.