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Article summary:

1. This study aimed to identify factors that facilitate and hinder the implementation of the European Society of Cardiology Syncope Guidelines at the Emergency Department.

2. 19 specialists and residents from neurology, cardiology, internal medicine and emergency medicine were interviewed to evaluate the implementation process.

3. 31 barriers and 22 facilitators were identified, with most barriers occurring on the individual health care professional level and most facilitators occurring on the innovation level.

Article analysis:

The trustworthiness and reliability of this article is generally high. The authors have provided a detailed description of their methodology, including how they conducted interviews with 19 specialists and residents from various medical fields, as well as how they used software package Atlas.ti for analysis. Furthermore, they have provided a clear summary of their findings in terms of both barriers and facilitators to implementation of the European Society of Cardiology Syncope Guidelines at the Emergency Department.

The only potential bias in this article is that it does not provide any evidence for its claims or explore counterarguments to its findings. However, given that this is a qualitative study based on interviews with experts in syncope care, it is reasonable to assume that these experts are knowledgeable about their field and can provide reliable insights into factors influencing implementation of guidelines at EDs. Therefore, overall this article can be considered trustworthy and reliable in terms of its findings regarding barriers and facilitators to implementation of syncope guidelines at EDs.