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Article summary:

1. Algorithms are increasingly used to make important decisions, but they are often poorly understood.

2. This research seeks to learn design principles for explanation interfaces that communicate how decision-making algorithms work.

3. An online experiment was conducted to measure users' understanding of an algorithm for making university admissions decisions, and the results showed that both interactive explanations and "white-box" explanations can improve users' comprehension.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable in its reporting of the research findings. The authors provide a clear description of their methodology, including details about the participants, the experimental setup, and the measures used to assess user understanding and trust in algorithmic decisions. The authors also discuss potential limitations of their study, such as the fact that it was conducted with a limited sample size and only focused on one particular algorithm. Additionally, they acknowledge that further research is needed to explore other types of algorithms and different contexts in which these algorithms may be used.

The article does not appear to have any major biases or unsupported claims; however, there are some points of consideration that could have been explored more deeply. For example, while the authors note that trust in algorithmic decisions is not affected by the explanation interface or level of comprehension of the algorithm, they do not discuss why this might be the case or what implications this has for organizations using these algorithms. Additionally, while they mention potential limitations related to their sample size and focus on one particular algorithm, they do not discuss any potential cultural biases or other contextual factors that could influence user understanding or trust in algorithmic decisions.