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Article summary:

1. Alan Turing is the face of the new 50 pound note, and his contributions to computer science and artificial intelligence (AI) are discussed.

2. The Turing Test is used as a trope in debates over legal personality for AI, with two reasons why they might be recognised as persons before the law: accountability when things go wrong and ownership of intellectual property created by AI systems.

3. In 2017, Saudi Arabia granted ‘citizenship’ to a humanoid robot and an online system was granted ‘residency’ in Tokyo, prompting the European Parliament to consider creating a specific legal status for robots.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its implications for legal personhood. It discusses Alan Turing's contributions to computer science and AI, as well as the Turing Test which has been used as a trope in debates over legal personality for AI. The article also mentions recent developments such as Saudi Arabia granting ‘citizenship’ to a humanoid robot and an online system being granted ‘residency’ in Tokyo, prompting the European Parliament to consider creating a specific legal status for robots.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its use of sources such as Lawrence Solum's seminal 1992 article on legal personality for AI, as well as other sources that provide evidence for its claims. The article also presents both sides of the argument fairly by discussing both potential benefits from granting AI systems legal personhood (such as accountability when things go wrong or ownership of intellectual property created by AI systems) and potential risks (such as granting too much autonomy). However, it does not explore counterarguments or present any opposing views on these issues. Additionally, there is no mention of potential biases or partiality in the sources used or any other potential issues with trustworthiness or reliability that could arise from this topic.