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Article summary:

1. The death toll in Gaza since the start of the conflict is estimated to be at least 20,000, with an average of nearly 300 people killed each day.

2. The use of a wide variety of bombs by Israel, including large ones, has contributed to the high number of fatalities in this conflict.

3. Women and children make up about 70% of those killed in Gaza, and the war is having a devastating impact on Gaza's children.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Israel Gaza: What Gaza's death toll says about the war" from BBC News provides an analysis of the death toll in Gaza during the conflict between Israel and Hamas. While the article presents some important information, there are several potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

One potential bias in the article is the focus on Israel's bombing campaign as the main cause of the high death toll in Gaza. The article highlights the use of large bombs by Israel and their impact on a densely populated area, suggesting that this directly contributed to the scale of fatalities. However, it fails to mention Hamas' role in starting the conflict and using civilian areas as launching sites for rocket attacks on Israel. This omission creates a one-sided narrative that places all blame on Israel without acknowledging Hamas' responsibility for civilian casualties.

Another bias is evident in the article's reliance on figures provided by Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry. While these figures are presented as trustworthy, it is important to note that Hamas has a vested interest in portraying a high death toll and emphasizing civilian casualties. The article does not provide any independent verification or alternative sources for these figures, which raises questions about their accuracy and potential manipulation for propaganda purposes.

Additionally, the article fails to explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the conflict. It does not include any statements or viewpoints from Israeli officials or military experts who could provide insights into Israel's military strategy or efforts to minimize civilian casualties. This lack of balance contributes to a one-sided portrayal of the conflict.

Furthermore, there are unsupported claims made throughout the article without providing evidence or context. For example, it states that Gaza is now "the most dangerous place in the world to be a child" according to UNICEF, but no further information or data is provided to support this claim. Without additional context or comparison with other conflicts around the world, this statement lacks credibility.

The article also includes promotional content for organizations such as Airwars and Iraq Body Count, which are presented as authoritative sources without critical examination of their methodologies or potential biases. This uncritical promotion undermines the objectivity of the article.

In conclusion, the article from BBC News on Gaza's death toll during the Israel-Gaza conflict exhibits potential biases, one-sided reporting, unsupported claims, missing points of consideration, and unexplored counterarguments. It fails to provide a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the conflict and relies heavily on questionable sources for information.