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Article summary:

1. "Bullet screen culture" is becoming popular in video websites and platforms.

2. Live comments are shorter and contain irregular context information, making emotional analysis more complex.

3. EE-RNN can be used for emotional analysis of live comments.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the challenges of emotional analysis of live comments in the context of "bullet screen culture" on video websites and platforms. The author highlights the feature sparsity and irregular context information present in live comments, which makes emotional analysis a complex and challenging task.

The article provides a detailed introduction to the topic, but it lacks clarity in terms of its purpose and scope. It is unclear whether the author intends to provide a comprehensive overview of existing methods for emotional analysis of live comments or if they are proposing a new approach based on EE-RNN.

The article also suffers from potential biases and one-sided reporting. For example, the author emphasizes the challenges of analyzing live comments without discussing potential benefits or applications of such analysis. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with emotional analysis of user-generated content, such as privacy concerns or unintended consequences.

Furthermore, the article lacks evidence to support some claims made by the author. For instance, there is no data presented to support the claim that traditional emotion analysis datasets may not be suitable for analyzing live comments. Similarly, there is no evidence provided to support the assertion that emotional analysis of live comments is more complex than other forms of sentiment analysis.

The article also misses some important points of consideration. For example, there is no discussion about how cultural differences may impact emotional analysis of live comments or how different languages may require different approaches to sentiment analysis.

Finally, while the article does not appear to be promotional in nature, it does suffer from partiality in terms of not presenting both sides equally. The author focuses solely on the challenges associated with emotional analysis of live comments without discussing potential solutions or alternative approaches.

In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting introduction to the challenges associated with emotional analysis of live comments in "bullet screen culture," it suffers from potential biases and one-sided reporting. The lack of evidence supporting some claims made by the author and missing points of consideration further weaken its credibility.