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Article summary:

1. The article provides the course outline for the Money and Banking course (CECN 506) in the Faculty of Arts Department of Economics at Ryerson University.

2. The course will be taught by Bolor Narankhuu, Ph.D., and will cover topics such as the role of money in the economic system, monetary theories, and the purpose and structure of chartered banks and financial institutions.

3. Students will also learn about monitoring developments in the money market, including changes in key interest rates, to assess monetary initiatives of the Bank of Canada.

Article analysis:

The article provides a course outline for CECN 506 Money and Banking at the Faculty of Arts Department of Economics for the summer of 2015. It includes information about the instructor, course prerequisites, class time, and contact details.

One potential bias in the article is that it only provides information about the course from the perspective of the instructor. There is no mention of any other faculty members or guest speakers who may be involved in teaching the course. This could lead to a one-sided reporting of the material and limit students' exposure to different perspectives on money and banking.

Additionally, there are unsupported claims in the article, such as stating that the role of money in the economic system is emphasized without providing any evidence or examples to support this claim. The article also mentions monitoring developments in the money market but does not explain how this will be done or what specific initiatives of the Bank of Canada will be assessed.

There are missing points of consideration in the article as well. For example, it does not mention any potential risks or challenges associated with studying money and banking. It also does not provide any information about assignments or assessments for the course, which could be important considerations for students deciding whether to enroll.

The article also lacks evidence for some of its claims. For instance, it states that current monetary theories will be examined but does not specify which theories will be covered or provide any references to support this claim.

Furthermore, there are unexplored counterarguments in the article. It presents a positive view of studying money and banking without acknowledging any potential criticisms or alternative perspectives on these topics.

The promotional content is evident in how it highlights the qualifications and contact details of the instructor but does not provide similar information about other faculty members or guest speakers who may be involved in teaching the course.

Overall, this article has several biases and shortcomings that limit its objectivity and completeness. It would benefit from providing more balanced reporting, supporting its claims with evidence, addressing potential counterarguments, and including a more comprehensive overview of the course.