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Article summary:

1. The way people manage goals is broken, leading many to question the nature of ambition.

2. The paradox of goals is that setting them leads to disillusionment whether they are reached or not, yet working towards them is important for personal growth.

3. Social media has created a giant public leaderboard that feeds into the arrival fallacy, making it difficult to find satisfaction in reaching goals.

Article analysis:

The article provides an interesting perspective on goal-setting and its potential pitfalls. It offers a comprehensive overview of the challenges associated with goal-setting, such as the arrival fallacy and social media's role in creating a competitive environment. The article also provides some useful advice on how to navigate uncertainty and foster radical change at a realistic scale.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while it does provide some evidence for its claims (such as citing Dr Tal Ben-Shahar), more evidence could be provided to support its assertions about goal-setting being broken and social media's role in creating a competitive environment. Additionally, counterarguments should be explored more thoroughly; while the article does mention Peter La Fleur's quote about not having any goals so as not to be disappointed, it does not explore this idea further or provide any evidence for why this may or may not be beneficial.

Finally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with goal-setting; while it does offer advice on how to navigate uncertainty and foster radical change at a realistic scale, it fails to note any potential risks associated with these strategies which could lead readers astray if they are not aware of them beforehand.

In conclusion, while the article provides an interesting perspective on goal-setting and offers some useful advice on how to navigate uncertainty and foster radical change at a realistic scale, it could benefit from providing more evidence for its claims and exploring counterarguments more thoroughly as well as noting potential risks associated with its suggested strategies.