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Article summary:

1. Language assessment literacy (LAL) is crucial for language teachers to design and administer effective testing activities, interpret students’ scores accurately, formulate appropriate teaching plans and make rational education decisions.

2. Despite its importance, teachers’ LAL remains inadequate due to insufficient language assessment contents in TESOL programs for pre-service teachers and limited language assessment training opportunities for in-service teachers.

3. Researchers have attempted to conceptualize LAL in different ways, including componential models, a continuum of development, and a hierarchical model that emphasizes the historical, social, political, and ethical contexts of language assessment.

Article analysis:

The article "Language Assessment Literacy of Teachers" provides a comprehensive review of the literature on language assessment literacy (LAL) from 1991 to 2021. The article highlights the importance of LAL in language education and its role in teachers' professional competence. The article also discusses the inadequacy of LAL among teachers and the factors that inhibit its development.

The article is well-structured, with clear headings and subheadings that guide the reader through the different sections. The selection of studies is thorough, covering a wide range of sources, including journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. The content analysis approach used to analyze the studies is appropriate for this type of review.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on teachers' LAL without considering other stakeholders involved in language assessment, such as students or administrators. While it is true that teachers play a crucial role in language assessment, other stakeholders also have an impact on assessment practices and outcomes.

Another potential bias is the emphasis on social constructivism as a theoretical framework for understanding LAL. While social constructivism has been influential in shaping LAL research, other theoretical perspectives could provide alternative insights into this topic.

The article does not present any unsupported claims or promotional content. However, some points of consideration are missing from the discussion. For example, while the article acknowledges that limited language assessment training opportunities are provided to in-service teachers, it does not explore why this is the case or what can be done to address this issue.

Similarly, while the article notes that LAL should be considered separately from assessment literacy in general education due to its complexities, it does not provide a detailed explanation of these complexities or how they differ from those found in other areas of education.

Overall, "Language Assessment Literacy of Teachers" provides a valuable overview of current research on LAL and highlights important issues related to teacher development and student outcomes. However, the article could benefit from a more nuanced discussion of some of the issues raised and a broader consideration of the stakeholders involved in language assessment.