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Article summary:

1. Well Ping’an 1 in northeastern Sichuan Basin achieved a high shale oil production of 100 tons from Lianggaoshan Formation, indicating a major breakthrough of shale oil and gas exploration in the region.

2. The main controlling factors for shale oil accumulation and exploration orientation of Lianggaoshan Formation in northeastern Sichuan Basin are systematically analyzed.

3. The breakthrough in Well Ping’an 1 shows the great exploration potential of the Jurassic lacustrine shale, and plays a positive role in accelerating shale oil exploration in Sichuan Basin.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information on the breakthrough achieved by Well Ping’an 1 in northeastern Sichuan Basin, along with an analysis of the main controlling factors for shale oil accumulation and exploration orientation of Lianggaoshan Formation in the region. The article also presents both sides equally, noting possible risks associated with shale oil exploration while highlighting its potential benefits. Furthermore, it is supported by evidence such as TOC values, porosity levels, organic matter types, etc., which adds to its credibility.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon. For instance, there is no mention of any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the issue at hand which could have provided a more balanced view on the topic. Additionally, there is no discussion on any potential environmental impacts associated with shale oil exploration which could have been explored further. Moreover, there is no mention of any promotional content or partiality which could have been noted to ensure impartiality and objectivity.