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Article summary:

1. President Joe Biden's new two-pronged strategy to reduce record crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border pairs deterrence measures with limited pathways into the United States for Cuban, Haitian and Nicaraguan migrants.

2. The policy shift has been met with backlash from fellow Democrats, former Biden officials and immigration advocates who argue that the Title 42 restrictions should not be expanded.

3. The plan could be challenged in court by both those who favor restricting immigration and advocates for asylum seekers, as it does not address the needs of the most vulnerable people and may not deter border crossings.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of President Joe Biden's new two-pronged strategy to reduce record crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border, which pairs deterrence measures with limited pathways into the United States for Cuban, Haitian and Nicaraguan migrants. It provides a comprehensive overview of the policy shift, including initial backlash from fellow Democrats, former Biden officials and immigration advocates who argue that the Title 42 restrictions should not be expanded. The article also notes potential legal challenges from both those who favor restricting immigration and advocates for asylum seekers, as well as possible risks associated with the plan such as it not addressing the needs of the most vulnerable people or deterring border crossings.

The article is unbiased in its reporting of President Biden's new policy shift; however, it does present a one-sided view by only focusing on criticism of his decision to expand COVID border restrictions implemented under Republican former President Donald Trump rather than exploring any potential benefits or advantages associated with this move. Additionally, while it mentions potential legal challenges to Biden's plan from both those who favor restricting immigration and advocates for asylum seekers, it does not provide any evidence or counterarguments to support these claims. Furthermore, there is no mention of any promotional content or partiality in the article which could potentially influence readers' opinions on this issue.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable in its reporting of President Joe Biden's new two-pronged strategy to reduce record crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border; however, it does present a one-sided view by only focusing on criticism without exploring any potential benefits or advantages associated with this move nor providing evidence or counterarguments to support claims about potential legal challenges from both those who favor restricting immigration and advocates for asylum seekers.