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Article summary:

1. The conservative fundraising group Club for Growth has invited a slew of prospective GOP presidential candidates to its annual donor retreat next month, excluding former President Donald Trump.

2. The decision to leave Trump off the list was not a personal slight, but rather an effort to improve Republican chances of winning back the White House in the upcoming election cycle.

3. Club for Growth has sought to distance itself from Trump in recent years, and promoted internal polling that showed Trump trailing behind DeSantis with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire just one day before he launched his third White House bid in November.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides factual information about the Club for Growth's decision to exclude Donald Trump from their annual donor retreat next month. The article also provides insights into why this decision was made, citing the need to improve Republican chances of winning back the White House in the upcoming election cycle. Additionally, it mentions how Club for Growth has sought to distance itself from Trump in recent years, providing evidence of this by referencing internal polling that showed Trump trailing behind DeSantis with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire just one day before he launched his third White House bid in November.

However, there are some potential biases present within the article which could be explored further. For example, while it does mention that Donald Trump is currently the only major candidate so far to announce his intent to run for president, it does not provide any information on other potential candidates or their policies which could be seen as a form of partiality towards Donald Trump's candidacy. Additionally, while it does provide evidence of Club for Growth's efforts to distance themselves from Donald Trump, it does not explore any counterarguments or possible risks associated with this decision which could be seen as a form of one-sided reporting.