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Article summary:

1. Data from the HILDA Survey shows that the proportion of Australians working “most hours” from home jumped from 6% before the pandemic to 24% in 2021.

2. Working from home can give workers greater control of their time, making it easier to balance work and non-work activities, but it can also blur boundaries between work and non-work time and lead to isolation.

3. The survey found that working from home has a positive effect on job satisfaction for women with children, but there is a potential downside in terms of promotion prospects for women who are less visibly present in the workplace.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence for its claims, such as data from the HILDA Survey, and explores both sides of the argument regarding working from home. It also acknowledges potential risks associated with working from home, such as reduced visibility in the workplace leading to fewer promotion opportunities for women.

However, there are some points which could be explored further or presented more equally. For example, while the article mentions that working from home can lead to isolation, it does not explore how this might affect men differently than women or how this might be addressed. Additionally, while it mentions that working from home can give workers greater control over their time and reduce stress levels due to fewer meetings and interruptions, it does not explore how this might affect productivity or job performance.

In conclusion, overall the article is reliable and trustworthy but could benefit from exploring certain points more deeply or presenting both sides of an argument more equally.