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Article summary:

1. The North China Plain is facing a deepening water crisis due to overexploitation of deep groundwater.

2. Brackish water is increasingly being used in irrigation in the region, but inappropriate use could lead to soil salinization and cropland degradation.

3. The HYDRUS-1D model was used to simulate soil salt transport and accumulation under 15 years of irrigation with brackish water, showing that it is feasible to use brackish water twice in one year if freshwater irrigation is done before sowing summer maize.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the current situation regarding the water crisis in the North China Plain (NCP) and how brackish water can be used as an alternative source of irrigation for crops grown in this region. The article presents a simulation study conducted using the HYDRUS-1D model which shows that it is possible to use brackish water twice in one year if freshwater irrigation is done before sowing summer maize. The article does not provide any evidence or data from other studies or sources that support its claims, nor does it explore any counterarguments or potential risks associated with using brackish water for irrigation. Additionally, there are no references provided for the claims made throughout the article, making it difficult to assess their accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, there is a lack of discussion on other potential solutions for dealing with the deepening freshwater crisis in NCP such as rainwater harvesting or desalination plants which could be explored further. In conclusion, while this article provides some useful information on how brackish water can be used for irrigation purposes, more research needs to be done to fully understand its implications and potential risks associated with its use.