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Article summary:

1. Protein- and peptide-based therapeutics have achieved great success in treating diseases, but they are limited to extracellular targets.

2. Numerous carriers have been designed for cytosolic protein and peptide delivery, but they still face issues such as electrostatic interaction with proteins of different isoelectric points and entrapment of cargo proteins in acidic compartments after endocytosis.

3. A coordinative dendrimer was developed that uses dipicolylamine coordinated with zinc ions (DPA/Zn2+) to bind with multiple residual groups on the cargo proteins, providing an opportunity to complex with proteins of different charge properties and efficient endosomal escape capabilities.

Article analysis:

The article “A Coordinative Dendrimer Achieves Excellent Efficiency in Cytosolic Protein and Peptide Delivery” by Ren et al. is a well-written piece that provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of protein- and peptide-based therapeutics, as well as the challenges associated with intracellular delivery of these drugs. The authors provide a detailed description of the various carriers that have been developed for this purpose, including functionalized gold nanoparticles, mesoporous silica nanoparticles, metal–organic frameworks, lipid nanoparticles, cell-derived vesicles, nanoneedles, carbon nanotubes, endosomolytic peptides, nanogels, and polymers. They then discuss how dipicolylamine coordinated with zinc ions (DPA/Zn2+) can be used to strengthen the binding between cargo proteins and carriers while also providing efficient endosomal escape capabilities. The authors conclude by discussing their own research into a coordinative dendrimer that uses DPA/Zn2+ to bind with multiple residual groups on the cargo proteins for improved efficiency in cytosolic protein delivery.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its clear presentation of evidence from previous studies as well as its thorough discussion of potential limitations associated with existing carriers for intracellular drug delivery. The authors provide detailed descriptions of each carrier type along with their respective advantages and disadvantages which allows readers to gain an understanding of the current state of research in this field without having to conduct additional research themselves. Furthermore, the authors present their own research into a coordinative dendrimer using DPA/Zn2+ which has shown promising results in terms of efficiency in cytosolic protein delivery without any major drawbacks or risks noted thus far.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its clear presentation of evidence from previous studies as well as its thorough discussion of potential limitations associated with existing carriers for intracellular drug delivery. Furthermore, the authors present their own research into a coordinative dendrimer using DPA/Zn2+ which has shown promising results in terms of efficiency in cytosolic protein delivery without any major drawbacks or risks noted thus far.