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Article summary:

1. Acquisition planning involves identifying potential targets that meet strategic criteria, leading to stronger outcomes for both parties involved in the deal.

2. Creating a business plan for an acquisition is crucial as it provides a roadmap for what is being sought from the acquisition and reassures funders of the decision.

3. The business plan for an acquisition should include sections such as executive summary, target description, market overview, sales and marketing analysis, financial history and projections, transition plan, deal structure, and supporting documents.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed guide on how to write an effective business acquisition plan, including a template and step-by-step instructions. It covers various aspects such as executive summary, target description, market overview, sales and marketing, financial history and projections, transition plan, deal structure, and supporting documents. The article emphasizes the importance of creating a solid business plan to convince investors of the merits of the acquisition.

One potential bias in the article is its focus on the positive aspects of acquisition planning without adequately addressing potential risks or challenges. While it briefly mentions risk management and due diligence materials in the template outline, it does not delve into specific risks that may arise during the acquisition process. This lack of discussion on potential pitfalls could lead readers to underestimate the complexities involved in acquiring a business.

Additionally, the article does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on acquisition planning. It presents a one-sided view that emphasizes the benefits of thorough planning without acknowledging potential drawbacks or criticisms of this approach. By failing to provide a balanced analysis, the article may give readers a skewed understanding of the topic.

Furthermore, there are some unsupported claims in the article, such as stating that having a well-written business plan increases the chances of securing funding for an acquisition. While a strong business plan is undoubtedly important, success in acquiring funding depends on various factors beyond just the quality of the plan. Without providing evidence or examples to support this claim, it remains unsubstantiated.

The article also includes promotional content for DealRoom, mentioning their work with companies to organize M&A processes. This promotional language could be seen as biased towards promoting DealRoom's services rather than providing objective information on acquisition planning.

Overall, while the article offers valuable insights into creating an acquisition plan and provides a useful template for reference, it falls short in addressing potential biases, unsupported claims, missing points of consideration, and promotional content that may impact its credibility and objectivity. Readers should approach the information presented with caution and seek additional sources for a more comprehensive understanding of business acquisition planning.