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Article summary:

1. Cold plasma technology is an effective nonthermal decontamination intervention for meat and meat products.

2. Cold plasma has been demonstrated to be successful in eliminating microbiological contamination of meat and meat products.

3. Quality parameters of plasma treated meat remain under research, but the use of cold plasma in food industry is likely to become real in the near future.

Article analysis:

The article “Applications of Cold Plasma Technology for Microbiological Safety in Meat Industry” provides a comprehensive overview of the potential applications of cold plasma technology for decontamination of meat and meat products. The article is well-structured and provides a clear summary of the studies pertinent to decontamination using cold plasma technology, along with a discussion on the effects on quality parameters and emerging applications in the sector. The article also lays out directions for future research.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence from multiple studies that demonstrate the successful application of cold plasma for decontamination purposes. Furthermore, it does not appear to contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular product or company, as it focuses solely on providing an overview of the current state-of-the-art regarding cold plasma technology in food safety applications.

However, there are some points that could have been explored further in order to provide a more comprehensive overview. For example, while the article mentions possible risks associated with traditional thermal processing operations such as formation of undesirable compounds (e.g., PAHs), it does not provide any information about potential risks associated with cold plasma treatment itself (e.g., formation of ozone). Additionally, while discussing quality parameters, the article only mentions sensory attributes without providing any details about other quality parameters such as nutritional value or shelf life that may be affected by cold plasma treatment. Finally, while discussing emerging applications in the sector, there is no mention about potential applications related to packaging or storage technologies which could benefit from cold plasma treatments (e.g., active packaging).

In conclusion, this article provides a reliable overview regarding current state-of-the-art regarding cold plasma technology for food safety applications; however, there are some points that could have been explored further in order to provide a more comprehensive overview.