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Article summary:

1. This article studies the pressure effect on crystallization behaviour of amorphous CuNi alloys during isothermal annealing using molecular dynamic simulation.

2. The results show that the increase of pressure during isothermal annealing increases the thermal stability of amorphous phase.

3. The Sutton–Chen Embedded Atom Method (SCEAM) potential was used to calculate the interaction between atoms in the model alloy system.

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed analysis of the pressure effect on crystallization behaviour of amorphous CuNi alloys during isothermal annealing using molecular dynamic simulation. The authors use the Sutton–Chen Embedded Atom Method (SCEAM) potential to calculate the interaction between atoms in the model alloy system, and analyze the structural phase transformation during isothermal annealing under different pressure values based on variations in cohesive energy, unit cell volume and radial distribution functions (RDF). The results show that increasing pressure during isothermal annealing increases thermal stability of amorphous phase.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it provides a detailed analysis with clear evidence for its claims, such as variations in cohesive energy, unit cell volume and radial distribution functions (RDF). Furthermore, it cites relevant literature to support its findings and conclusions. However, there are some points which could be further explored or discussed more thoroughly, such as possible risks associated with increasing pressure during isothermal annealing or other methods which could be used to study this phenomenon. Additionally, while this article focuses on one particular method for studying crystallization behaviour of amorphous CuNi alloys, it does not explore other methods which could also be used for this purpose.