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Article summary:

1. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are of growing interest for various applications due to their predictable structures and ordered nanopores.

2. However, material quality and synthetic procedures can limit practical applications, particularly in optoelectronic applications.

3. A reconstruction strategy is presented that uses a reversible and removable covalent tether to pre-organize monomers before an irreversible polymerization, yielding highly crystalline and functional COF materials through a facile process.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the potential of reconstructed covalent organic frameworks (RC-COFs) for various applications such as gas storage, separation, electronics and catalysis. The article is written in a clear and concise manner, providing detailed information on the synthesis of RC-COFs using a reversible and removable covalent tether to pre-organize monomers before an irreversible polymerization. The article also provides evidence for the improved crystallinity and functional properties of RC-COFs compared to directly polymerized imine frameworks.

The article does not provide any information on potential risks associated with the use of RC-COFs or any counterarguments against their use. Additionally, there is no mention of possible biases or sources of bias in the research presented in the article. Furthermore, there is no discussion on whether both sides of the argument have been presented equally or if any claims made are unsupported by evidence or missing points of consideration. Therefore, while this article provides useful information on RC-COFs, it should be read with caution as it may be biased or incomplete in its presentation of facts.