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Article summary:

1. This article provides a walkthrough of how to create a Chrome extension for GPT-3 questions using ReactJS and OpenAI SDK.

2. It outlines the prerequisites, steps, and components needed to build the extension.

3. It also provides guidance on how to get an OpenAI API key and configure it for the extension.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Norah Sakal, a SaaS entrepreneur who is writing about her journey building apps. The article is well-written and provides clear instructions on how to create a Chrome extension for GPT-3 questions using ReactJS and OpenAI SDK. The author has provided detailed information on the prerequisites, steps, and components needed to build the extension as well as guidance on how to get an OpenAI API key and configure it for the extension.

The article appears to be reliable in terms of providing accurate information about creating a Chrome extension for GPT-3 questions. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the author does not provide any counterarguments or explore any alternative methods of creating such an extension. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with creating such an extension or any discussion of potential security issues that could arise from exposing unencrypted API keys/secrets/credentials if one were to publish an app or an extension with them included. Furthermore, while the author does provide links to additional resources and guidance related to this topic, they are all linked back to their own website which could be seen as promotional content or partiality towards their own services/products.

In conclusion, while this article provides reliable information about creating a Chrome extension for GPT-3 questions using ReactJS and OpenAI SDK, there are some potential biases that should be noted including lack of counterarguments or alternative methods explored; lack of discussion regarding possible risks associated with creating such an extension; potential security issues from exposing unencrypted API keys/secrets/credentials; promotional content; and partiality towards their own services/products.