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Article summary:

1. Myopia is a global problem, with prevalence increasing from 10.4% in 1993 to 34.2% in 2016.

2. Both environmental and genetic factors are believed to be involved in the development and progression of myopia.

3. Various techniques, such as OCTA, provide a noninvasive approach for monitoring choroidal and retinal changes in pathologic myopia, while early treatment can prevent social and academic difficulties that can accompany poor vision.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of myopia, including its prevalence, risk factors, disease mechanisms, diagnostic modalities, and therapeutic options. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

Firstly, the article focuses mainly on genetic and environmental factors as the causes of myopia. While these factors are important, there is growing evidence that lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity may also play a role in the development of myopia. This point is not adequately addressed in the article.

Secondly, the article presents non-pharmacological therapies for myopia prevention without discussing their efficacy or potential risks. It is important to note that some of these therapies may not have sufficient scientific evidence to support their use and could potentially harm patients if not properly administered.

Thirdly, while the article mentions the economic and social burdens associated with myopia, it does not address the potential long-term consequences of high myopia such as retinal detachment or glaucoma. These complications can lead to permanent vision loss and should be considered when discussing therapeutic options for myopia.

Finally, the article presents only one side of the argument regarding near work as a risk factor for myopia. While it acknowledges that near work has been implicated in myopia development, it does not mention studies that have found no association between near work and myopia or those that suggest outdoor activities may be protective against myopia.

In conclusion, while the article provides a useful overview of myopia and its management options, it would benefit from a more balanced discussion of risk factors and treatment options. Additionally, potential risks associated with non-pharmacological therapies should be noted to ensure patient safety.