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Article summary:

1. Comparisons of gene arrangements in angiosperms are complicated by polyploidy and genome rearrangement.

2. New genome sequences and improved analytical approaches are helping to clarify angiosperm evolution and reveal patterns of differential gene loss and retention.

3. Deviation from collinearity might be a more reliable phylogenetic character due to variability in DNA substitution rates among taxa and genes.

Article analysis:

The article is generally trustworthy and reliable, as it provides evidence for its claims through references to other studies, such as Coghlan et al., Ferguson-Smith & Trifonov, Nakatani et al., Milleret al., Bowers et al., Bennett & Smith, Bowerset al., Spangler et al., Swigonovaet al., Paterson & Bowers, Kellis et al., Soltis et al., Yogeeswaranet al., Ming et al., Tuskanet al., Velascoet al., Van de Peer, Patersonet al., Nam et al., Freeling & Thomas, Mower et al., Rokas & Holland, Dehal & Boore, Eichler & Sankoff. The article also presents both sides of the argument equally by discussing the potential benefits of using deviation from collinearity as a more reliable phylogenetic character while also noting the challenges associated with this approach. There is no promotional content or partiality present in the article; instead it provides an objective overview of the current state of research on synteny and collinearity in plant genomes. The article does not appear to be missing any points of consideration or evidence for its claims; however, it does not explore any counterarguments that may exist against its conclusions.