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Article summary:

1. A continuous-time mode-reversal technique is used to reduce bias drift of a MEMS pendular gyroscope.

2. The technique relies on continuous excitation of two axes of the gyroscope, resulting in an Allan-deviation improvement from 9 deg/hr to 2 deg/hr on a 3.3kHz MEMS vibratory gyroscope.

3. A force-feedback variant of the continuous-time chopping technique is used, where the proof mass trajectory is controlled to follow a fixed path and applied forces compensate for Coriolis effect and are thus an indicator of angular rate.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed description of a continuous-time mode reversal technique for reducing bias drift in MEMS pendular gyroscopes. The article presents evidence that this technique can result in an Allan-deviation improvement from 9 deg/hr to 2 deg/hr on a 3.3kHz MEMS vibratory gyroscope, which is impressive and suggests that this method could be useful for improving the performance of many gyroscope applications including navigation.

The article does not provide any information about potential risks associated with using this technique or any counterarguments that should be considered when implementing it, which could lead to an incomplete understanding of its implications and potential drawbacks. Additionally, there is no discussion about possible sources of bias or one-sided reporting in the article, which could lead readers to draw incorrect conclusions about its reliability and trustworthiness. Furthermore, there is no mention of any promotional content or partiality in the article, which could lead readers to believe that all claims made are unbiased and supported by evidence when they may not be.

In conclusion, while the article provides useful information about a continuous-time mode reversal technique for reducing bias drift in MEMS pendular gyroscopes, it does not provide enough information about potential risks associated with using this technique or any counterarguments that should be considered when implementing it, as well as missing points of consideration regarding possible sources of bias or one-sided reporting in the article which could lead readers to draw incorrect conclusions about its reliability and trustworthiness.