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Article summary:

1. One year ago, Russia invaded Ukraine and war was back in Europe.

2. The European Union has provided Ukraine with EUR 67 billion in economic, humanitarian and military support.

3. Europe is also weakening Russia's ability to maintain its war machine by proposing a tenth package of sanctions worth EUR 11 billion.

Article analysis:

The article is written from a biased perspective, as it only presents the viewpoint of the European Union and does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally. The article claims that the European Union has provided Ukraine with EUR 67 billion in economic, humanitarian and military support but does not provide any evidence to back up this claim. Furthermore, the article fails to mention any potential risks associated with providing such a large amount of aid to Ukraine or any possible consequences for doing so. Additionally, the article does not explore any other possible solutions or alternatives to providing financial aid to Ukraine and instead focuses solely on the European Union's approach. Finally, the article contains promotional content as it paints a positive picture of the European Union's actions without exploring any potential drawbacks or negative aspects of their approach.