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Article summary:

1. L-lactate and D-glucose are important molecules to monitor in the body, as they can indicate a variety of physiological and pathological conditions.

2. Traditional methods for detecting lactate and glucose rely on enzymes, which can be unreliable due to denaturation and other factors.

3. This paper presents a new method for simultaneous detection of L-lactate and D-glucose using DNA aptamers, which are single-stranded nucleic acids that bind to target molecules without relying on other reactants.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of the use of DNA aptamers for the simultaneous detection of L-lactate and D-glucose in human blood serum. The authors present their research findings in a clear and concise manner, providing evidence to support their claims. The article is well written with no obvious bias or promotional content, presenting both sides equally. The authors provide detailed information about the traditional methods used for detecting lactate and glucose, as well as the advantages of using DNA aptamers instead. They also discuss the challenges associated with obtaining aptamers for low epitope molecules such as lactate, and provide evidence to support their claims regarding the efficacy of their method.

The article does not mention any potential risks associated with using DNA aptamers for this purpose, nor does it explore any counterarguments or alternative methods that could be used instead. Additionally, there is no discussion about how this method could be applied in practice or what implications it may have on medical diagnosis or treatment decisions. These points should have been addressed in order to provide a more comprehensive overview of the research findings presented in this article.