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Article summary:

1. This paper describes a software system designed to manage the deployment of a fleet of demand-responsive passenger vehicles such as taxis or variably routed buses.

2. The system includes automated vehicle dispatching procedures designed to achieve a favourable combination of customer service and efficiency of vehicle deployment.

3. Simulation tests indicate that the improvement procedures yield substantial efficiencies over more naı̈ve scheduling methods and that the system will be effective in real-time applications.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information on the software system designed to manage the deployment of a fleet of demand-responsive passenger vehicles, including automated vehicle dispatching procedures and improvement procedures. The article also provides simulation tests which indicate that the improvement procedures yield substantial efficiencies over more naı̈ve scheduling methods and that the system will be effective in real-time applications. However, there are some potential biases in the article which should be noted. For example, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with using this software system, nor is there any discussion of possible counterarguments or alternative solutions to managing fleets of demand-responsive passenger vehicles. Additionally, there is no evidence provided for some of the claims made in the article, such as those regarding efficiency gains from using this software system. Furthermore, while the article does provide an outline for how to use this software system, it does not provide any detailed instructions on how to implement it in practice or what challenges may arise when doing so.