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On anti abortion violence
Source: p.fsnot.es
May be slightly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. Anti-abortion violence (AAV) is generally considered wrong and reprehensible, yet there is little sustained work on it.

2. This article argues that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that AAV can sometimes be justified, even for those who defend abortion rights.

3. The article proposes a Non-Violence Constraint (NVC) which must be satisfied by any sustainable view on abortion, and suggests that this constraint will be violated if the fetus becomes a person at any point prior to birth.

Article analysis:

The article “On Anti Abortion Violence” by Jeremy Williams provides an in-depth analysis of the ethical implications of anti-abortion violence (AAV). The author argues that AAV can sometimes be justified, even for those who defend abortion rights, and proposes a Non-Violence Constraint (NVC) which must be satisfied by any sustainable view on abortion.

The article is well researched and provides evidence from reliable sources such as government figures and the Guttmacher Institute to support its claims. It also acknowledges potential counterarguments and offers solutions to address them. However, there are some areas where the article could have been more comprehensive in its coverage of the topic. For example, while it does mention pacifism as one possible solution to reconcile common sense rejections of both pacifism and AAV, it does not provide an in-depth discussion of how this could be achieved or what other solutions might exist. Additionally, while the author acknowledges that popular antipathy towards AAV cannot be easily dismissed as a mere product of unjustifiable prejudice or indifference towards the unborn, he does not provide any further evidence or arguments to support this claim.

In conclusion, “On Anti Abortion Violence” by Jeremy Williams provides an insightful analysis into the ethical implications of anti-abortion violence and offers potential solutions to reconcile common sense rejections of both pacifism and AAV. While it is well researched and provides evidence from reliable sources to support its claims, there are some areas where it could have been more comprehensive in its coverage of the topic.