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Article summary:

1. Understand the basics of hostel economics and how to maximize profits

2. Research the market and local competition to understand what is missing

3. Secure finances, create a marketing plan, and maximize guests' experience

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive guide on how to start a hostel business in 2022. It covers topics such as profitability, what makes a successful hostel business, attractive pricing, step-by-step guide to starting your hostel, where to open your hostel, securing finances for your hostel, start-up costs, promoting your hostel, creating a marketing plan for your hostel and maximizing guests’ experience.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information on each topic discussed. The sources used are credible and the claims made are supported by evidence. The article also presents both sides of an argument equally and does not appear to be biased or partial in any way. Furthermore, it does not contain any promotional content or unexplored counterarguments.

However, there are some points that could have been explored further such as potential risks associated with starting a hostel business which were not mentioned in the article. Additionally, more detail could have been provided on certain topics such as understanding basic hostel economics and creating a marketing plan for your hostel.