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Article summary:

1. This article examines how the entry of an imitative product influences the demand for the original in markets with a large number of products.

2. The release of an imitative product triggers two countervailing forces: a discovery effect that increases awareness and demand for the original, and a substitution effect decreasing that demand.

3. Firms may benefit from pursuing a more open IP strategy that encourages imitation in certain conditions, such as those for music, e-books, software, and mobile apps.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Yilmaz in 2023 and published in Strategic Management Journal by Wiley Online Library. The article is well-researched and provides evidence to support its claims. It also provides examples to illustrate its points, which makes it easier to understand the concepts discussed in the article. The author has provided detailed explanations of their theories and hypotheses, which makes it easier to evaluate their arguments.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided; it presents both sides of the argument equally and fairly. It also does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular point of view or opinion. Furthermore, it does not make unsupported claims or omit any points of consideration; all claims are backed up with evidence from research studies conducted by other authors in related fields.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments to its main points; however, this is understandable given the scope of the article and its focus on examining how imitation affects demand for an original product rather than exploring opposing views on this topic. All in all, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy due to its thorough research and lack of bias or partiality towards any particular point of view or opinion.