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Article summary:

1. Handkerchiefs are a useful and manly item to carry in your pocket, as they can be used to dab sweat or tears, and can be offered to others in need.

2. Handkerchiefs are more environmentally friendly than tissues, and should be laundered weekly.

3. Carrying a handkerchief is a gallant gesture that shows chivalry and comfort.

Article analysis:

The article “Why Carry a Handkerchief?” from The Art of Manliness is generally reliable and trustworthy, although it does have some potential biases and one-sided reporting. The article presents the benefits of carrying a handkerchief without exploring any potential risks or drawbacks associated with doing so. It also fails to mention any counterarguments or alternative points of view on the topic, which could lead readers to believe that the author's opinion is the only valid one. Additionally, the article does not provide any evidence for its claims, such as studies or statistics that support its argument for why men should carry handkerchiefs. Furthermore, there is some promotional content in the article as it encourages readers to purchase handkerchiefs with their initials embroidered on them. Finally, while the article does present both sides of the issue fairly equally, it does not explore any other perspectives beyond those presented by the author. All in all, this article provides an interesting perspective on why men should carry handkerchiefs but could benefit from providing more evidence for its claims and exploring alternative points of view on the topic.