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Article summary:

1. OpenAI has launched a free ChatGPT iOS app with extra features such as speech-to-text and a history search bar.

2. Meta has revealed plans to create their custom chip, the Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA), specifically designed for running AI models.

3. Apple has banned employees from using ChatGPT due to concerns about protecting sensitive information.

Article analysis:

The article titled "How to get ChatGPT on your phone" provides updates on recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The article reports that OpenAI has launched a free ChatGPT iOS app, which incorporates Whisper, OpenAI's speech-to-text model. The app also includes a history search bar for users to quickly locate and review old chats. However, the article notes that the app is only available in the US at present.

The article also reports that Meta has revealed plans to create their custom chip, the Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA), specifically designed for running AI models. This development is significant as it suggests that Meta is assembling an impressive AI arsenal to compete with Microsoft and Google.

However, the article also notes that Apple has banned its employees from using ChatGPT due to concerns about protecting sensitive information. This development highlights the need for caution when adopting and applying AI.

While the article provides useful updates on recent developments in AI, it is important to note some potential biases and limitations. For example, the article focuses primarily on positive developments in AI without exploring potential risks or negative consequences. Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported or lack evidence.

Furthermore, while the article reports on Apple's ban of ChatGPT due to concerns about protecting sensitive information, it does not explore potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue. It would be helpful if the article provided more balanced reporting by presenting both sides of this debate.

Overall, while this article provides useful updates on recent developments in AI, readers should approach its content critically and consider potential biases or limitations.