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Article summary:

1. This article explains how to render components inside an iframe present in a template using Angular.

2. It outlines the steps necessary to capture the content document of the iframe and create references for the component that needs to be embedded inside it.

3. Data binding is done by using the instance property and both Input and Output emitters can be handled accordingly.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed explanation of how to render components inside an iframe present in a template using Angular, which is useful for developers who are familiar with Angular. The steps outlined in the article are clear and easy to follow, making it a reliable source of information for those looking to implement this technique.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, while the author does mention that they are assuming readers have some basic understanding of Angular, they do not provide any further explanation or resources for those who may not have such knowledge. Additionally, while the author does provide code snippets as examples, they do not explain what each line of code does or why it is necessary, which could make it difficult for readers who are unfamiliar with coding to understand what is being discussed.

Furthermore, while the author does provide a link to a gist containing all of their code snippets, they do not provide any evidence or sources for their claims about data binding or input/output emitters being handled accordingly when rendered inside an iframe. This lack of evidence makes it difficult to assess whether these claims are accurate or not.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful information on how to render components inside an iframe present in a template using Angular, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted before relying on its contents as fact.