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Article summary:

1. Load curves are used to describe the change of load with time in power systems, and are divided into active power load curves and reactive power load curves.

2. The annual maximum load curve is used to arrange annual unit maintenance plans, while the annual continuous load curve is used to compile the power generation plan of the power system.

3. Daily load curve forecasting methods include multiple correlation algorithm, time series method and harmonic decomposition method, which take meteorological conditions into account for more accurate predictions.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of “load curves” in power systems, including its classification, record-keeping, diagramming, coefficients, forecasting methods and other related topics. The article also provides an explanation of how these concepts can be applied in practice for scheduling the power of a system and planning it accordingly.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall as it provides detailed information on the topic from various sources such as scientific papers and research studies. It also includes diagrams that help illustrate some of the concepts discussed in the article. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article’s trustworthiness and reliability. For example, some of the sources cited may have their own biases or agendas that could influence how they present information on this topic. Additionally, some claims made in the article may not be supported by evidence or may lack sufficient detail to fully explain them. Furthermore, there may be counterarguments or alternative perspectives that have not been explored in this article which could provide additional insight into this topic. Finally, there is a possibility that promotional content has been included in this article which could lead to an overly positive view of certain aspects related to load curves in power systems.