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Article summary:

1. An experimental model was developed to study the temperature distribution and spontaneous combustion tendency of coal gangue stockpiles in semi-open storage.

2. Heat accumulation is most likely to occur near 0.1~0.4 m away from the heat source of coal pile, and the horizontal heat conduction is gradually weakened with increasing distance from the heat source.

3. The experimental model provides an empirical basis for studying the distribution of temperature field in the depth of gangue pile and kinetics reaction mechanism of spontaneous combustion.

Article analysis:

The article “Experimental investigation of temperature distribution and spontaneous combustion tendency of coal gangue stockpiles in storage” is a reliable source that presents a comprehensive overview on the topic at hand. The authors provide detailed information on their research methodology, results, and conclusions, which are supported by relevant evidence such as thermal gravity analysis, differential thermal gravity (TG-DTG), scanning electron microscope (SEM), etc. Furthermore, they also provide data availability information for readers who wish to access additional datasets used or analyzed during their study.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting; it presents both sides equally and objectively without any promotional content or partiality towards either side. It also acknowledges potential risks associated with its findings and notes them accordingly throughout the text. Additionally, all claims made are supported by evidence from experiments conducted by the authors themselves or other sources cited within the text, making it a trustworthy source overall.

The only potential issue with this article is that some counterarguments may have been unexplored or missing points of consideration may have been overlooked; however, this does not significantly detract from its reliability as a source overall.