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Article summary:

1. An analysis has been conducted of optical heterodyne conversion with an interdigitated-electrode photomixer made from low-temperature-grown (LTG) GaAs.

2. The analysis predicts that a superior photomixer would have a temperature-limited conversion efficiency of 2.0% at a low difference frequency, 1.6% at 94 GHz, and 0.5% at 300 GHz when connected to a broadband 100 Ω load resistance and pumped at hν=2.0 eV by a total optical power of 50 mW.

3. The predicted 3‐dB bandwidth (193 GHz) of this photomixer is limited by both the electron‐hole recombination time (0.6 ps) of the LTG‐GaAs material and the RC time constant (0.5 ps) of the photomixer circuit.

Article analysis:

The article provides an analysis of optical heterodyne conversion with an interdigitated-electrode photomixer made from low-temperature-grown (LTG) GaAs and pumped by two continuous-wave, frequency-offset pump lasers, which is in agreement with experimental results obtained recently on a photomixer having 1.0 μm wide electrodes and gaps. The article claims that a superior photomixer would have a temperature-limited conversion efficiency of 2%, 1.6%, and 0.5% respectively for different frequencies when connected to a broadband 100 Ω load resistance and pumped at hν=2 eV by a total optical power of 50 mW, with its 3 dB bandwidth being limited by both the electron‐hole recombination time (0.6 ps) of the LTG‐GaAs material and the RC time constant (0.5 ps) of the photomixer circuit; however, there is no evidence provided to support these claims or any discussion about potential risks associated with such technology or possible counterarguments that could be explored further in future research studies on this topic. Additionally, there is no mention about other materials or technologies that could be used for similar purposes as well as any potential biases or one-sided reporting in the article which could lead to partiality in its conclusions or findings; thus, it can be concluded that while this article provides some useful information about coherent millimeter wave generation by heterodyne conversion in LTG GaAs photoconductors, it lacks sufficient evidence to support its claims as well as fails to explore other possibilities or counterarguments related to this topic which should be taken into consideration before drawing any definitive conclusions from it.