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Article summary:

1. This article focuses on designing a visual odometry module for robust egomotion estimation and its integration with navigation policy for efficient navigation under noisy actuation and sensing.

2. The article presents a set of regularization techniques that can be implemented as train- and test-time augmentations to increase the robustness to noise.

3. The navigation agent, equipped with the visual odometry module, reaches the goal in 86% of episodes and scores 0.66 SPL in Habitat Challenge 2021 benchmark.

Article analysis:

The article is written by Ruslan Partsey, supervised by Oleksandr Maksymets at Ukrainian Catholic University, Department of Computer Sciences. The article is well-written and provides an overview of the research conducted on robust visual odometry for realistic pointgoal navigation. It provides a detailed description of the techniques used to increase the robustness to noise, as well as the results obtained from testing the navigation agent equipped with this visual odometry module.

The trustworthiness and reliability of this article can be assessed based on several factors such as accuracy of information presented, evidence provided to support claims made, objectivity in presenting both sides equally, etc. In this regard, it can be said that the article is reliable and trustworthy since it provides accurate information about the research conducted and presents evidence to support its claims. Furthermore, it does not present any one side more than another or make unsupported claims without providing evidence for them.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its accurate information presented and evidence provided to support its claims made throughout the paper.