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Article summary:

1. Personal goodwill is not considered a marital asset in many states.

2. Expertise in partner buyouts, bankruptcy, estate & gift tax, and medical practice buyouts is important for business valuations.

3. Business valuations must meet the requirements of IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 and personal goodwill should be carved out to lower the value and tax impact.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the expertise areas of Ameri-Street Advisory, Inc., a business appraisal firm based in the United States. The article focuses on four main areas: divorce/forensic accounting, partner buyouts/buy-sells, bankruptcy, and estate & gift tax/medical practice buyouts. It is clear that the article is written from a promotional perspective as it highlights the expertise of Ameri-Street Advisory without providing any evidence or counterarguments to support its claims. Furthermore, there is no mention of potential risks associated with these services or any other potential biases that could affect the accuracy of their appraisals. Additionally, there is no discussion of how personal goodwill should be valued or how it affects business valuations which could lead to an incomplete understanding of this concept by readers. Finally, while the article does provide some information about IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60, it does not provide any details about what this ruling entails or how it affects business valuations which could lead to confusion among readers who are unfamiliar with this topic.