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Article summary:

1. ReText.AI is a neural network that can paraphrase, compress, and enlarge text online in Russian, English, Ukrainian, and Belarusian.

2. The neural network can help students with writing dissertations, term papers, abstracts, and compositions while also improving their understanding of educational material.

3. The "Synonyms" function is a smart online synonymizer that creates a list of suitable synonyms for each word after paraphrasing the text.

Article analysis:

The article discusses the features and benefits of ReText.AI, a neural network for paraphrasing, compressing, and enlarging text online in Russian, English, Ukrainian, and Belarusian. The article claims that the service is useful for students writing dissertations, term papers, abstracts, compositions, and professionals working with text such as authors, copywriters, rewriters, SMM specialists, and entrepreneurs.

The article highlights several advantages of ReText.AI. It claims that the service can paraphrase text with the selection of synonyms in four languages up to 100% uniqueness in just seven seconds. It also claims that the service can increase the amount of text to fulfill the plan by signs and compresses the text to the specified size in one click. However, there is no evidence provided to support these claims.

The article also mentions that ReText.AI provides three levels of text transformation: low, medium, and high. However, it does not explain how these levels are determined or what criteria are used to differentiate them.

The article promotes ReText.AI as a smart online synonymizer that creates a list of suitable synonyms for each word after paraphrasing the text. However, this function is only available for Russian and English languages.

One-sided reporting is evident in this article as it only presents positive aspects of ReText.AI without discussing any potential risks or limitations associated with using this service. For instance, it does not mention whether there are any ethical concerns related to using AI-powered tools for academic writing or whether there are any legal implications if someone uses this tool to plagiarize content.

Overall, while this article provides some useful information about ReText.AI's features and benefits for students and professionals working with text; it lacks evidence to support its claims fully. Additionally, it fails to present both sides equally by not discussing any potential risks or limitations associated with using this service.