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Article summary:

1. This study aimed to determine the change in the size of the lumbar segment angle at a particularly critical point L3-L4 of the spine in relation to the load of the average weight of school bag (SB) in healthy male children.

2. The results showed that microtraumas caused by SB load significantly affect the increase in intervertebral pressure at the L3-L4 point, which is susceptible to degenerative processes and can be the cause of lumbar syndrome (LS).

3. Preventive measures are needed in order to lighten SB in this population and introduce up to 10% of students' body weight into the safe zone.

Article analysis:

This article presents a study on how school bags can affect lumbar segment angles in children. The study was conducted with 47 boys aged 12.2 ± 0.92 years, who underwent photogrammetric measurements while standing and walking on a laboratory treadmill with and without a school bag load of 6,251 kg, which represents 13.78% of their average body weight. The results showed that microtraumas caused by SB load significantly affect the increase in intervertebral pressure at the L3-L4 point, which is susceptible to degenerative processes and can be the cause of lumbar syndrome (LS).

The article is generally reliable as it provides detailed information about its methodology and results, as well as potential implications for preventive measures for reducing school bag loads among children. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering this article's trustworthiness and reliability. Firstly, there is no mention of any control group or comparison group used for comparison purposes; thus it is difficult to assess whether or not any changes observed were due solely to school bag loads or other factors such as age or physical activity levels. Additionally, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with carrying heavy school bags such as back pain or fatigue; these should have been discussed more thoroughly given their potential impact on health outcomes. Furthermore, there is no mention of any counterarguments or alternative perspectives regarding this issue; thus it appears that only one side has been presented without exploring any opposing views or evidence that may contradict its findings. Finally, there is also some promotional content present throughout the article which could potentially influence readers’ opinions on this topic; thus it should be noted that these claims may not necessarily reflect an unbiased perspective on this issue.