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Article summary:

1. In-person court proceedings will continue to be important even as virtual trials become more common post-pandemic.

2. There are many cloud-based tools available to facilitate the in-person trial presentation of exhibits, such as Lit Software's TrialPad, TranscriptPad, DocReviewPad, and ExhibitsPad.

3. Other options include ExhibitView Solutions, TranscriptPro, Exhibit Presenter, iLitigate (currently in beta testing), and well-known software suites like TrialDirector and OnCue.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Exhibit A: Top trial presentation tools" provides an overview of various software tools available for in-person trial presentations. While the article offers some useful information about different options, there are several areas where critical analysis is warranted.

1. Biases and Sources: The author, Nicole Black, is a legal technology evangelist at MyCase, a company that offers legal practice management software. This affiliation raises questions about potential biases towards promoting certain products or services.

2. One-Sided Reporting: The article primarily focuses on cloud-based trial presentation tools and briefly mentions premises-based options. This one-sided reporting may not provide a comprehensive view of all available tools and their pros and cons.

3. Unsupported Claims: The article claims that in-person court proceedings will continue post-pandemic and that technology will facilitate these proceedings. However, no evidence or expert opinions are provided to support these claims.

4. Missing Points of Consideration: The article does not address potential concerns or challenges associated with using cloud-based trial presentation tools, such as data security, privacy issues, or internet connectivity problems during live presentations.

5. Missing Evidence for Claims Made: The article mentions that Lit Software's companion products offer unique ways to present a case but does not provide specific examples or evidence to support this claim.

6. Unexplored Counterarguments: The article does not explore any counterarguments against using cloud-based trial presentation tools or discuss alternative approaches to in-person trial presentations.

7. Promotional Content: The article includes pricing information and free trial offers for various software tools, which could be seen as promotional content rather than objective reporting.

8. Partiality: The article focuses more on iPad-based tools like TrialPad and TranscriptPad from Lit Software, potentially overlooking other platforms or devices that may be preferred by different users.

9. Not Presenting Both Sides Equally: The article dedicates more space to discussing cloud-based tools while only briefly mentioning premises-based options like TrialDirector and OnCue. This imbalance may not provide a fair comparison of all available tools.

Overall, the article provides a basic overview of trial presentation tools but lacks critical analysis, balanced reporting, and supporting evidence for its claims. Readers should approach the information with caution and conduct further research before making any decisions about which tool to use.