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Article summary:

1. Be explicit, clear, and concise in your business writing to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.

2. Provide precise details and avoid jargon, buzzwords, and repetition to ensure your message is easily understood.

3. Put your message in context, use simple words, state your points positively, and drop unnecessary words to make every word count in your communication.

Article analysis:

The article "Step Three: Be Explicit, Clear, and Concise | 10 Steps to Successful Business Writing" provides valuable tips on how to improve business writing by being explicit, clear, and concise. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding misunderstandings by providing precise details, changing word order to clear up confusion, and using simple language instead of jargon or buzzwords.

One potential bias in the article is the assumption that all miscommunication is solely the fault of the writer. While it is important for writers to be clear and explicit in their communication, it is also essential for readers to actively engage with the text and ask for clarification if needed. The article could have included a section on active reading strategies for better comprehension.

Additionally, the article focuses heavily on eliminating unnecessary words and phrases to make writing more concise. While brevity is important in business writing, there should also be a balance between conciseness and providing enough information for clarity. Over-editing can sometimes lead to ambiguity or lack of context.

The article does not explore potential challenges or limitations of implementing these writing strategies in a real-world business setting. For example, in fast-paced work environments where time is limited, employees may struggle to apply these principles effectively. Addressing these practical considerations would provide a more well-rounded perspective on successful business writing.

Furthermore, the article lacks evidence or examples to support its claims about the effectiveness of being explicit, clear, and concise in business writing. Including case studies or testimonials from professionals who have implemented these strategies successfully would add credibility to the advice given.

Overall, while the article offers valuable insights into improving business writing skills, it could benefit from addressing potential biases, providing more balanced perspectives, offering practical considerations for implementation, and including supporting evidence for its claims.