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Article summary:

1. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been widely used in small/mid-size applications, but there is an urgent need for advanced energy storage devices with high energy density and low cost as alternatives to conventional LIBs.

2. Room-temperature sodium–sulfur (RT/Na–S) batteries have advantages of resource abundance, high energy density, and low cost, but suffer from poor electrical conductivity of sulfur and sodium sulfides (Na2S), severe volume expansion during cycling, and the notorious “shuttle effect” derived from the diffusion of soluble sodium polysulfides (NaPSs).

3. A lightweight, porous three-dimensional (3D) N,S-codoped cellulose nanofiber-derived carbon aerogel (NSCA) was designed as a multifunctional separator to suppress the shuttle effect and boost redox kinetics of NaPSs for RT/Na–S batteries.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on room temperature sodium–sulfur (RT/Na–S) batteries and presents a novel approach to improving their performance using a lightweight, porous three-dimensional N,S-codoped cellulose nanofiber-derived carbon aerogel (NSCA). The article is well written and provides detailed information about the various strategies that have been employed to improve the performance of RT/Na–S batteries. It also provides an in depth analysis of the potential benefits that could be achieved by using NSCA as a functional separator or interlayer.

The article appears to be unbiased in its presentation of information and does not appear to be promoting any particular product or technology. All claims made are supported by evidence from previous studies or experiments conducted by other researchers in this field. The article also acknowledges potential risks associated with using RT/Na–S batteries such as poor electrical conductivity and severe volume expansion during cycling.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage of existing research on RT/Na–S batteries as well as its balanced presentation of both positive and negative aspects associated with them.